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*TP Battleship Fun!

Posted by: Tina F.

Apr 10, 2002

Norsemantook me to theBattleship Texas forone of ourfun Friday's. When I was getting ready to go...he suggested I wear my mesh shirt. Always obliging Norseman, I did, and he took pictures for the transparent top contest. At first I thought it would be kinda silly...thenaswe were walking up to the entrance and started passing people, I became very aware that you could see thru my shirt. It was so fun....guys were trying not to stare, but when I'd catch them looking I would just smile and ask if I could take my picture with them......Then itstarted to feellike I had people following me, I get a real kick out of sneaking around so I kinda darted between the guns. I get a bigger kick out of getting naked so I took off my clothes.We got a great picture with the guys in the background trying to figure out where me and all my clothes went! The maintenance man in the picture caught me below deck trying to cool off by taking off my clothes...he didn't buy that excuse either, so I told him it was for a dare and could I have my picture with him for proof....A woman was staring at me like I was crazy, so I said that I wasn't crazy I was wearing it for a dare and would she take her picture with me, she said (after a huge jaw drop) "Let me get my husband and his friend, they will love this.." So the one guy ended up asking if he could spank me. I said "Please do"! I had a great time and they even invited me back!

Damon: Oh boy.. who do we have here... on the left its The Skipper from Gilligans Islans.... the guy on the right stared in Total Recall... he was Ricter's Right Hand man who got stabbed in the stomach by the hot midget.... Damn, if there is one movie I can watch over and over and over and over again............. and the guy behind the soda machine is Ed Bradley................................

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