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All Comments (23)
  • Let me ask you a question, "Little ; If I see a worthless piece of crap abusing a child and I step in and beat the snot out of him in order to get him to stop, are you actually arguing that my actions would be just as bad as his? Go ahead and say "yes" and just prove what everyone here already knows about you. You're amoral, nihilistic, hateful, hurtful, cowardly, and misogynistic. What the fuck happened in your miserable life that shaped you into what you are?
  • No, you fucktard, you can't equate what I do with what you do. You attack people for no good reason. I attack you because of what you've done. Your inability to differentiate is a testament to your sheer lack of brains and class. By the way, the fact you don't know what a joint lock is gives us another look into your life . . . in that it is clear you were never an athlete.
  • What you do is wrong if what I do is wrong, fuck 'll just amp things nerve pinch 'eh?
  • No, "Little Bitch," there is no equating our conduct. You abuse those who have done you no wrong . . . I abuse you based SOLELY on your conduct. The other difference is that were we in the "real world," and I saw you treating a woman like you do here, I'd tell you to apologize . . . and if you didn't, I'd MAKE you apologize through your tears and screams of pain created by various joint locks and nerve holds.
  • Still defending the lards I Id I'm so unimportant, why do you chime in on posts I happen not to like. Say what you will dunginhbg, it's free speech as simple as for you to spew off, but no one else can, even to give a fair post, you come
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