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*Yb Sam Voted

Posted by: Sam

Nov 16, 2002

Sam is another of the star performers at VW School. She is a key member of the VW band, where her talents as a flutist are well known. Playing the flute is not an easy task, Sam reminds us. Proper lip placement and embouchure (mouth shape) are essential for quality blowing. Exercising her mouth is one of the ways Sam has attained such blowing perfection. Practicing on many different types of large, firm objects, lethng her fingers move alternately lightly and firmly over the shaft as she plays a mental melody help her perform better before an audience. Often times it is standing room only, even for these practice sessions, when word gets out that Sam is practicing for a big performance. Watching Sam perform is a highlight of anyone’s day. Sam did not come by these talents alone. Several of the teachers and staff took time from their busy schedules to teach Sam some of what they know about proper lip placement. Ms.Dee gave selflessly of her time, showing Sam over and over different blowing techniques as dedicated students like Asher, Jerry, and Banjo lined up to help in the demonstation. Coach Cherokee helped her improve her breath control by holding private exercise classes with Sam, both finally emerging breathless after these marathon sessions. Student Council President KCat and Class Valedictorian —Lara— offered moral support to Sam by taking part in the blowing techniques lessons so she wouldn’t have to practice alone. The whole school seemed to pull together constantly when Sam would play. This is why Sam is well known as “The Girl Best Suited To Toot Your FIute’

Relaxing before a performance is essential and coach Cherokee helps Sam lose her inhibitions by making her do her relaxation techniques over...and over...and over...

Damon: Ooo, the flute has to be the most sexual instrument for a woman to play..

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All Comments (1)
  • Either have her suck a dick or insert the flute, one.
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