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Known Identity

Posted by: Shelly

Dec 4, 2005

Known Identity - I'd like to send this message out to ALL of those who feel it necessary to leave negative comments about the contributions...if you will please humor me Kate? I find it interesting that after a negative comment is left...the person leaving the malicious comment never has the balls to sign his name and be identified. I suspect a person who is that hateful and unappreciative of the art form that is displayed here, also suffers from being a coward and having very low self esteem. Men like that, I suppose get that way when they haven't been laid in months and when they don't have enough of a penis to satisfy even themselves, let alone a woman partner. As for me...I have very thick skin and was more humored by a few of the negative comments rather than offended by them. What those who participate in that type of behavior don't know is what road was traveled on prior to getting the courage to post a contribution. As for me...I recently beat breast cancer and was able to have a . Look at my body today and call it what you will...but look at it!!! It's all mine, it's all real and I'm proud as hell to be able to show it off to the world. I identify myself when I have something to say...I would encourage all who think it fun to criticize others to do the same...Iam "wo..MAN" enough...are you? For all of you who left comments of a positive nature...thank you and know how appreciative I am...kisses!!!!

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