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Uploaded by

rasta man

Contri Views352,250

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You may not republish them on another website or anywhere else.

All Comments (19)
  • So exciting close shots! Nice looking ass and pussy!
  • If I crawled down there I would never ;;you make and define getting wet!!
  • I want to guess what you do for a living King moron aka I think you are a judge of nude males at gay do they get mad at you when you salivate (because of your ignorance I define ) when you look at all the nude gay guys or is it because you have a male wife they don't they ask you to judge because you are a
  • And, once again, the LAW would NOT be in your favor. If you walked up to a woman and, in the presence of her boyfriend, husband or male relative, said the kind of shit you spew here, you would sacrifice the ability to claim aggrieved status. The LAW would find you the instigator. YOU, not he, would be the one facing charges. The judge would throw the book at YOU, as the other person would have been ruled to have been provoked. And, by the way, who are you kidding? NO ONE here believes you have friends . . . and just because some of the guys you hang out with at "The Blue Oyster" dress like cops, it doesn't MAKE them cops! LOL
  • Ah! I LOVE it! "Gayguy oldqueer" just ADMIITTED--in his own words--that he's the cowardly twerp we've always known him to be! (LOL) You just admitted that the only thing you can pin your hopes on is that there would be someone there to protect you from the beating you'd receive. Got some news for you, clod, you're wrong in your interpretation of the law. Were you to walk up to any woman and verbally assault her in front of her boyfriend or husband, and he punched you in the mouth, the judge would almost certainly rule it an "act of ; In fact, YOU would be charged with a misdemeanor charge of verbal harassment! So you've just admitted that you KNOW you could never stand up to a real man! Not that any of us ever doubted that! LOL
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