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Lexi Green Day

Posted by: Lexi

Apr 20, 2004

I am not gonna name names but after *some* people gave me some after my last set of pics I promise I am not wearing anything with numbers on it in this set of pics! Heh. I did see in there though and in a few emails through our site that some people were asking to see me in some different colors and I thought I'd go with green because I only own like one green shirt out of my entire wardrobe. I dont like that it makes my hair look darker but if my hair were lighter blond it could work. David was going out of town last weekend for a business conference that sounded really boring but I tagged along anyways because it was at a really ncie resort/hotel thing. And I really dig these benchlike footrest things they have in there rooms because they are comfortable to stretch out on-ya know, like when you someone to give you a massage or basically do all the work on you. I threatened my travel companion that I would tie him to it if he got out of line and I damn near did because he left me alone in the room for an entire day without the minibar key. Aside from I think hotel rooms are good for two things sex and drinking. And that's why I would never be asked to write a travel guide. :)

every hotel room should have one of these

Damon: Lexi needs her own pummel horse..

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